June Wednesday 19, 1895 Very hot. Insects in full buzzing bloom, plants mostly wilting in the dry feverish north wind.
Thursday 20 Still blazing hot weather. The vines rejoicing & growing more rapidly & with more apparent enthusiasm than ever before as far as I have seen. There is promise of a big crop.
Friday 21 Hot as ever night & day. No easy matter to keep cool with shade & ice in abundance & no undersun work. Pity the poor in the San Joaquin Valley with long days often poorly cooked food, warm water to drink & no shade.
Saturday 22 Another hot day, perhaps the hottest. Went to SF [San Francisco] saw Keith. Dined with Profs Sanger & Bradley of the State University & attended a Directors meeting of the Sierra Club.
Sunday 23 Very hot, read Lubbock’s ants wasps & bees. Visited Swett. Told the Silver Aurora Wrote up my correspondence in the evening. Saw a Carpodacus [Rosefinch] and Chrysomitris [Goldfinch] sitting together on a telephone wire almost touching each other.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 20 x 27 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist