
June 11. Tem water 6 A.M. 42, air 52; cloudy. Start this morning for the Lowlands. Calm, the river a little lower, still high. Ere we had gone ½ a mile we were wrecked in the river, and came near to losing our pack mule and all our baggage including Robinson’ sketches. At the lower end of the Sentinel mead there is a wrenched tangle of crinkled cottonwoods living and dead, mixed and jammed with logs, branches and brush and rocks. Through this mess the trail , such as it is, runs. This morning the river overflowed its banks and the ground of Black Meadow mink was submerged in muddy water to a depth of several feet, and as the trail at one place runs within 6 inches of the main current which sets against it, bank being precipitous to a depth of 10 ft, it is at all times a dangerous place and was extremely so this morning as the location of the brink could not be determined. As the mule with its precious burden was floundering through this jamb of rubbish and roots and snags and stumps it toppled over into the flood – the flooded ridden bank – its head and part of the pack only being above water. Mr. Lake was ahead riding a horse, the
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist