
Also few white oaks and black, brewer’s Penstemon in flr and humming birds attending them, also honeysuckle, maple, rock ferns. June 9, 5 P.M. Looking down val from E end of Sent Mead. Mead caux brown and yel green edged with brier, then yell williiows, fine grained in texture of foliage, a dark green line of rushes, then cottonwood and alder, dark green bars of shadow ling in the mellow sunlight. A few tall towers of pine; the majestic mass of 7 gables, sculpture bold, brought put in light and shde, violent blue in shadows, pinky yel gray and white in light. The shoulder of the W Sentinel with talus gray and white, the gray blocks dating from ancient earthquake , the white from the river brim full rushing past on right. Talus of ava canon just beyond mead margin richly plushed with bush and beyond the long wall of val terminated by prospect Pk at entrance of val the split front of m_D_ mostly on purp shade seen thro’ trees of river bank, a few white boulders at foot inlight.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist