
mid and n, with few grizzlies; firm build, masses of muscle, able to live on anything. Fox made a bear trap this spring, waiting to bait with sheep. He told us of v large bear that lived “holed up” in n cannon; saw his immense track. When I went up this cannon I saw the fresh track in mead, the grass beaten down, and on returning after noon saw a fresh track in the grass, the lves still wet, wh I traced into brush when I saw his footprint on muddy bank of stream, 8 in wide across toes. Heard and smelled him, and turning out into mead went ‘round his lair. Gray sq v ab tails 14 inches l, Douglas also common and Tamias and common ground sq with burly busty woodchucks in the up most crags, a brave mtneer , also wood rats; found den of one on top of Grand Sentinel. Swallows on top also, as well as skimming val meads, and clark crow, grouse in val and on upper pks and in groves of can sides, drumming now and hatching, says Fox. Ouzel common of
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist