Many taluses shaken by some earthquake. Boulders larger two 100 ft long, rocks enough for a row of pyramids set base to base the length of val. No azalea, no Douglas spruce, but one more pine ab in Ki Yo Fremont, while in one comparatively short climb up Ava can of 5000 ft you come to noble groves of Paton spruce, mtn pine and flex pine, offering grand specimens of each. Bark of mtn p v red and thick furrowed and cross furrowed. Flexilis 4 ft dia v picturesque, fine junipers. Between and about the main mtn masses of the walls are a thousand gardens and hollows and flry ledges and glens dear to the heart of the lover of wildness. Next 4 pages belong to 6th June 7. Calm, clear, not a cld, temp of water 43 9 A.M., air in shade, 65. Birds in open sunny spaces, doves cooing, feeding in flocks of hundreds, fly catchers on the wing dashing from tree tops. The river full to top bank from snow in sun of the last 3 days. Trout leaping, overhanging branches bending to current and springing back dripping as if stroke of the life giving river play.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist