
Top divide E of Boulder Crk 7650. Horse Corral meads 7850. 1 m long. Tamarac the chief tree. June 1. At Fox Camp lower end vall alt 4650. River here for ½ m above a silver rapid 100 ft wide or 150. Sugar p ab Sprague in bloom, Filera Aratia white fragrant, forget me not, eve primrose; cedar, yel p cottonwood, alder. Huge jam 100 logs or more in wh trout love to hide. Bridge here. D.K. Zumwalt claims K R Valley, Visilia. Part of val up to Roaring R is school land, 1 sec perhaps patent issued. Potentilla, hosckia, Henezone; strawberries beginning to ripen. J.C. Fox has lived in val 2 yrs; wintered in val 89 and 90, snow 6 ft deep. Trend canon w 5 n Kellogg oak in leaf, beautiful yellow, cottonwood also yel paler and willow and alder; brown boles of
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 15 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist