the entire mountain top seemed to be covered with ice only leaving the ridgetops and peaks free. Had very fine views also from top of the crater Makushin and 100 other peaks in sight a fine glacier picture cumulus clouds rolling about the head of Makushin and casting shadows with fringed edges on the white glacier bosoms there is a spot on the summit of Makushin said to smoke, probably mostly steam and vapor from the infiltration of water into heated cavities of the old volcanoe Akutan still emits-black smoke and cinders at times and thunders loud enough to be heard at Oonalaska. Noticed two species of huckleberry one on large bush similar to the species so abundant about the shores of the Alex-Archipelago then other small oval berry raltin [ ] grows on low bush 6 in. high. Few salmon berries also and arlintus with scarlet leaves and tall grasses and ferns Asplenium 6 ft high, tall geraniums rich plush sod. Polished glacier crosses near the Oon harbor saw Inds catching codfish. Small pool in the bottom of crater.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 21 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist