a distance of about 3 ½ miles to the highest point 1200 ft. above sea. This point is within a mile and a half of the N.W. end, and about 4 ½ of the N.E. end, making the island about 6 statute miles, or perhaps a little more. It is cut nearly in two by the glacial action it has suffered. The width of this lowest portion is about ½ mile and height 250 ft. above sea. Found a bit of wood here a foot long, 2 in dia., probably carried up by foxes, a few of which inhabit the island. The entire island is a mass of granite, and no doubt owes its existence with so considerable a height to this fact, the survival of the strongest. All shows oversweeping ice action as well as subsequent partial glaciation, cutting glacial valleys of considerable depth as compared with the size of the island. I saw four of these, and many steeply inclined marginal glacial grooves around the sides, especially on the north side, where a wing-shaped glacier leaned back against the island almost the entire length, thus making it steep and angular on this side. One small glacial remnant, with feeble action, still exists near the middle of the island.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 21 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist