
John Muir


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No 1 June 30 7,35 PM

Station above first Rock Pile on 2nd Rib of Yellow [Knob] in line with two peaklets of ice at foot

Bar [barometer] reads 30.1

Mark [sketch] ice pinnacle with blue centre - situated [⅓ rd] dist [distant] [across] the shattered part of ice wall centre of gl [glacier] 1/2 mile back from front is in line now with head of Elephant.

[No.] 2 Same station as above

Two ice pyramids near the mid of island. Marked thus


perhap 50 ft from line on mtn [mountain] [indicated] by arrow

3 Same station

[sketch] shoulder

3 points [their] own length apart past shoulder

July 3. 8P.M. Station on Yellow Rib in line with ice peaklet foot of first bare outcrop 150 ft above gl [glacier]

Point observed ice pinnacle blue cave with dirt spot in line beyond, ⅓ or less from E side shattered portion

[sketch] Dirt [Double] peak beyond

blue [cove] in line with [extreme] point of Elephant head.

[Thus] in front of blue cove twice [their] thickness at base

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 17 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
