32 trembling & sprawling at my feet I stood still until they began to peep The mother answered Too Too Too. & showed admirable judgement & love & devotion. She was in brown plumage with white wings. main [ ], Had fine grounds to lead her young. Not a cld [cloud] in sky. A faint film to N [north] in morning wh [which] vanished by noon leaving all the sky [was] open & flooded with soft hazy light The [glorious] magnificent mtns [mountains] around [ftns] [foundations] of the gl [glacier]. The great bosom of gl [glacier] itself [brown] bluish on E [east]. pure white on W [west] & N [north]. its trains of mors [moraines] in magnificent curving lines & many colors black gray red brown etc. The crevassed section the 100 ftns [foundations]. The grand [St Elias] Fairweather Range. The [thunder]
33 of the falling bergs. The fleet of bergs in the inlet -- pictures of beauty & power. Natures most impressive displays of [ftn] [endless] action & beauty. [July 2. Another lovely day. The sky nearly cloudless. Tired after climbing. Spent day in watching the gl [glacier]?] July 2. Crossed the inlet with Mr Reid & Mr Adams. about 3/4 of mile from front, Mr Loomis also with us The boat overloaded & behaved badly. Sailed 1/2 way then pulled with oars. The stratified drift on W. [west] side contains wood all the way from water level to top
Date Original
June 1890
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist