18 ice also, while the strip of sandy shore is only a few feet wide [when the] at high tide [is in]. The view of the ice cliff [&] [pinnacles] [spires] [ridges] etc very telling a [glorious] picture of natures power & beauty & industry A [few] feet from shore (100 or 150) a large stream issues from an [fine] arched tunnel in the wall of the gl [glacier]. the blue of the ice being of an exquisite [tone] while the water is of a strange smoky brown like that of [some] [common] bears. Not in the least milky more like brown sooty smoke. The M gl [glacier] is about 2 1/2 or 3 ms [miles] wide at its front shaped thus. Only the central portion discharges bergs The two wings advanced
B B are wingshaped masses of snout advanced on & over the older stratified deposits forming bluffs on each side the [Sketch:] [Front] wall 630 ft [feet] deep 300 ft [feet] h [high] 1 mile wide 720 deep Bluffs as on opp [opposite] side [Muir] Inlet Bluffs stratified drift mostly finely rolled & water [ ]
Date Original
June 1890
Original journal dimensions: 9 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist