4th. That a bounty of 50 cts be paid for the destruction of a small wolf, three dols [dollars] for a large wolf $1.50 for a lynx 2.00 for a bear & 5.00 for a panther. Not 25 ms [miles] of forest |o| [between] Mis & Columbia. Whitmans 1st wagon to Fort Boise. Columbia Inds [Indians] at Dalles want pay for being whipped by their own police. Also for prayers & school lessons. Mission story Yellop Col Ind semi-missionized was to keep house for Mr Joslin during absence of the family. Told to keep comfortable till family returned. They found him outdoors under tree ½ frozen. They inquired reason. He said all was so warm & nice. The old Ind came back & he felt like stealing [everything]. & had to go out in cold to overcome that feeling. Would not give a section of land in O [Oregon] for the whole state of [Missouri]
The Hudson B [Bay] Co. were planning to secure the sole occupancy of the whole country by obtaining a surrender of the Am [American] [ ] into the hands of the British Gov [Government] Previous to the treaty of 1846 all the country [S] of Russian possessions W. of the Rocky Mtns [Mountains] & N. of Cal [California] was called O [Oregon]. By that treaty the 49th par [parallel] was made the bound [boundary] “Act of Congress Aug. 14, 1848 boundaries thus defined “All that part of the Terr [Territory] of the U.S. wh [which] lies W. of the Summit of the Rocky Mtns N of the 42nd degree of N. Lat [latitude]. Known as the Terr of O [Territory of Oregon] shall be organized into & constitute a temporary gov [Government] by the name of the Terr. Of O. [Territory of Oregon]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist