
John Muir


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Hops planted from roots covered 4 inches deep by Indian woman after the ground has been laid off in squares 7 ft & staked. In one year if staked said to yield ½ or 1/3 [crop] At 2 to 3 yrs old a full crop. Inds [Indians] paid $1.00 a box 60 lbs when dried. Cost of production including interest on investment commission on sales etc. 8 cts [cents]. Value of 1 acre of hops at Snoqualmie $300/ Maple woods of Snoqualmie on right bank v [very] fine 100 ft h [high] 4 to 8 ft dia [diameter] underbrush rubus ribes rose small floating maple [symphonic] aspens. [Spiral] hazel. Wood fine ground used for counties [office] etc.

Yelm Prairie Aug. 8, 1888. Set out from Seattle this morning for Rainier, reached the Yelm p [Prairie]. 10 a.m. camped by the railway track. A fine sunny day, glorious views of Rainier Sunset deep blue mid ground of low hills & ridges—black of foreground trees bounding the Yel prairie. The up sweeping base of R. [Rainier] light blue to green of exceeding fine [ ] pink & white & lovely gray of [cones] purple of horizon gold of sunset. 9th. Start at 10 A.M. huge savage packs. Bony fleshless animals. Camp at Indian Henrys 3 [ ] 3 fields & [horses] oats & wheat vegetables mild looking smallish man. Timber Doug [Douglas] Sp. Smallish. Many small settlements. Crossed the Nisqually white with gl [glacier] [mud].

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
