[Up] the canon the rocks [2] M Alt [altitude] of Em [Emerald] Bay lake 7100 300 yds dia [diameter] 1 islet 6 trees Alt of Emerald Bay Cascade at foot 6440 top 6540 top of upper cascade 6620 [Fannette] Island. [ ] acres rugged few trees yell [yellow] & sugar pine & firs bossed with dwarf oak & [ceandra] etc. & well flowered only island in lake
Next morning sailed around [right] lat of Emerald Bay gl [glacier] to cabin on shore at mouth of Cascade Creek & visited the Cascade Lake distant about 1 mile from the shore of Tahoe. It is about 1 mile long & ½ wide. Filled with trout. Was a beautiful fall [or] cascade rather at head whose roar may be heard for miles out in the Tahoe Lake. Its height above the main lake is about 300 ft, height of fall about 400.
Reading of [Bar] Tahoe 6375. Cascade Lake 6675. Snowy mtns [mountains] at head of Cascade Lake & the fall & the grand gl [glacier] basin & the lat mor [lateral moraines] make fine setting for the lake wh has moraine dam well timbered. A good road leads from cabin also from Tallac & [Yurks] hotels.
View from mouth of Cascade Creek looking N all the surface at [noon] [cross] is barred with streaks of pearl gray & dark sharp blue. The whole surface in sunshine gently rippled & spangled with upblowing breeze. Yellowish haze over the eastern rim. Saw jays stellar. Harsh cry heard [picicorvus]. Saw duck with young sailing & running on lake, a fine wild happy sight. Saw young robin & young [grouse]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist