"August-September 1880, Second Expedition of 1880 Image 7" by John Muir


John Muir


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Sep 1st Worked our way out of this loveliest of all the northern bays against a head wind & heavy [searching] [plashing] cold rain into Cross S. About noon the wind began to moderate & even the rain showed signs of halting for a few minutes. In midafternoon the wind came freshly from the S.E. & [wafted] us joyfully on. All enjoyed the rest & the rainless sky. Even the sun showed himself for a moment. How delightful & precious that sun gleam seemed in the blackness. We camped on a low [moraine] island covered with birch (dwarf) & willows & small spruces that are yet quite young. This is a portion of a once continuous deposit that blocked Sitadaka from Cross S. Some portions of the deposit 20 ft. thick or more are fine clay deposited from the gl [glacier] waters in still lake. This lake but a few ft above sea was subsequently drained to the level of the sea & added to its domain by the breaking down of the dam by the grand rapids made [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] than a dozen larger gls [glaciers] the gap & shallow over it is yet plainly perceptible. [Grouse] in great numbers were [running] about the side of the island near out camp. Tame as if domesticated (see notes Vol. 1) Sep 2nd Mostly dry V. cold rain & wind about 5 p.m. when we reached the great gl [glacier] where we camped. While [Mr. Y] & I went ashore on the L [Lake] lat’ Mor’ [lateral moraine] to seek a good camp ground wherever we could enjoy a view of the great ice wall, jutting bolding out into [fiord], the heavy swell from a fallen berg came rolling up the sandy beach with a sudden roar that frightened [Tieen] & made him seek shelter [from] his canoe a mile farther down where the main camp was made. While we had our tent carried up near the grand [snout] where we could see the bergs thundering into the water & floating off. Bergs large enough to thunder loudly came off at the rate of one every 3 or 4 minutes. Snout [grt] gl [glacier] Sitadaka 3 ms [miles] wide middle part sends off bergs.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

