
2nd Ex 1880 short notes on Muir gl [glacier] & Brady with sketch. This book nearly all blank Letter [to] [Capt] [Beardslee] From R.W Thompson See [Navy] [Wash] July 26 1879 “It is believed that at the next session of Congress the government will not neglect to extend its authority over Alaska in such manner as shall secure to the people there all the rights it assumed to protect when the country was acquired.” The Introduction of common or good whiskey is strictly prohibited at least in words while molasses & sugar, the material out of wh [which] the [ ] crazing poison is made is freely imported by the ton under the dignified title of commerce. About 100 Inds employed at the Sika Cannery $100 [per] [Ind] “An Ind can make whiskey & the apparatus to make it with can make a can to hold fish.” The better Inds demand protection from molasses. An abled bodied [slam] is worth about 200 blankets worth 3 dollars each. The difficulty lol [between] this Hootchenors & [Stickins] began in a whiskey affair 11 Jan 1880, a [Stickin] was beaten while interfering in whiskey drinking, next day the [Stickins] beat the H’s with interest & on the 14th a regular fight took place. 2 H’s & 3 S were killed & several wounded. The H’s about 50 strong sent off a canoe to their villages [for] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [distant]. Retaliation among all these Inds is a sacred duty. The Justice scales must be kept evenly balanced. Promises made by DD as to school outfits “Not one has been kept.” Beardslee. 15 cows & a few head of sheep at Oonalaka [Oonalaska] fed with hay all winter. 10 acres of oats. [Churragin] Island the chief fishing grounds 10 vessels engaged ’79 650 fish taken this year. The Oohchan found abundantly in the [Nasse] R. [river] “Candle fish” by the Inds. The oil offered everywhere in hospitality. Shamanism - a mixture of credibility & imposition. The doctors believe themselves possessed of super natural [charms] power attributed to them. Sorcery & incantations to exorcise the evil spirits. If death ensues then the evil spirits are too strong. [Kaktya]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist