"October-December 1879, First Alaska Trip with S. Hall Young Image 70" by John Muir


John Muir


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Mtns near the mouth of great gl. Sitidika. To N.W. of camp.

Lowest L. trib. Great gl Sitidika Cross Sound

Near the boundary of treeless region E. side of N. fork of Cross Sound

Formation of subordinate peaks on crest of E. of Admiralty Ild.

Symmetrical mtn on [Mainland] N of Douglas Ild.

On E side Berners Bay. Interbasin mtn rocks [ ]

Half Dome 800 ft high in gl YoVal Lynn Canal est 12 hrs from coast W. side

Section on W. side Lynn Canal Stratified cornerstone dipping W away from the [ ].

Caped collared & skirted mtns all in pure white 8000 ft high S of Berners Bay

Womb of trib of S. branch of Sundown Bay gl cut in cornerstone across the edges of strata

Diamond shaped residual masses on steep decline NE side of gl from back of cape [V.]

M[ ] rock evenly forested. In fiord Stickeen near Mer de Glace

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 18 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

