
John Muir


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a man at the bows to look out for the bergs that lay in our path .Their whiteness made them noticeable in the dim night-light. We passed a great many. The waves ran so high a good many of the white-caps dashed water into our canoe. There is a village of the Tarkow Indians on the south side of the mouth of the bay. Another smaller one 10 or 15. South at the head of a narrow inlet. We passed a large berg about 2 o’clock out of which a violent wind was blowing, though the main Stephens Passage was calm. {sketch: Sunday Camp, Nov. 9, 1879. 50 ms. S. of Chilcat.} About dusk we came to the mouth of Sum Dum Bay. We were anxious to cap here, but found no harbor. Our old Captain was out of tum-tum because we did not see fit to accept a harbor he had chosen early in the afternoon, so he determined to give us enough of night sailing to last us for the rest of the voyage. Accordingly, though it was to be a rainy moonless night he pushed on, saying we must cross the bay and try to find an Indian village or an old Indian fort on an island in the middle of it. We made slow progress in the dark with our paddles, while Toyatte would laughingly inquire from time to time how we liked it. {sketch: Looking W up a branch fiord of Hoona Bay from Hoona Vil.}

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 11.5 x 18 cm.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
