
John Muir


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21 July, 1879. Anchored first night at -- for fresh water. Eagerly embraced the chance to go ashore with Dr. Lindly. Was rowed to the mouth of small rill by an Indian; the tide was low; walked up the shingly, shelly, dulsey beach. There stones were blue slate, quartz and granite, in the order of abundance; the first plant terrestrial, a noble grass 9 ft. high, forming a margin before the dense intertangled forest; then an alder 30 ft. hight; then a noble shady wood composed of Tsuga mertensiana, and Picea Sitkensis with a few cypresses. The ferns were developed in noble beauty and size; 2 Aspidiums one 6 ft. high, one Poly___, one Gymnogramma; Rubus nutkanus 8 ft high just out of flower; 3 Vacciniums 8 ft., Ledum, a woody prickly tropical looking Aralia 10 feet high – very warlike; a moderate number of young conifers, mosses indescribable; dwarf cornel, Pyrola, Coptis, and Solomon’s seal. The trees mossy at foot and up the { Sketch: View back through opening in the islands to the mainland mountains on way from Wrangell to Sitka. }

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 13.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
