[sketch] from Lander’s Hill
Descending into Reese R [River] Val the Toiyabe range rose firm & whole as a new made day. The [N/W] side plain warmly sunlit. light snow storm on the western hills. Cold cloud shadows on E side plain. There the great diamond cut mtns with regular V-shaped vals with pks pointed avg about 10000 ft Clouds above white atop black below [then] the White Mtns [then] black shadow [plum] [then] warm plains [then] falling snow & gaps of blue sky above Augusta pk v [very] symmetrical drained [carved] on E face. Canon N & S at equal distances from summit [sketch] Fremont pine is the only [species] in Nevada ranges with rare exceptions. Quite ab [abundant] in Carson Range & Wassuck but most in Desatoya. None on Virginia mtns. Cedar & mahogany only
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 17 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist