
John Muir


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10 volcanic breccia, & vol boulders smoothly water rolled cemented into a rough conglomerate & rudely stratified covered here & there by basaltic lava. This cement I believe is a portion of the so-called dead river system. The boulders are less perfect because [derived] from the heads of streams & more mixed & blended with lava because the first to feel the effects of the water torrents set free by the outbreaking fires. Also the rough breccias are more abundant here because born forward by the first outbreaks like the first floods of a dry river wh has accum[ulated] much rubbish but wh afterwards flows clean. So the lava floods flowed clean after the [disintegrated] material was swept off & buried or deposited

11 the amount of degradation here has evidently been enormous. the pre-glacial & pre-volcanic Sierra had hills & dales as now but the pre gl landscape was certainly very much simpler & are now about as if they had never been the granite overlaid with lava shows great irregularity The [mors] of Ind & Donner lakes very well defined E S Bryant 1/4 mile beyond the Bridge below Phelps Mt Rose 11000 ft glorious view of Tahoe & the great arid desert of Carson & Humboldt. Glimpses of Pyramid lake. Washoe lake with northern shore curved evenly as a hunters bow

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 17 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
