70 When the entire basin with its ranges & mtns [mountains] formed one grand [fountain] for glaciers that flowed in parallel ranks between the mtns [mountains] & over the edge of basin to the [ocean] both north & south. & 3rd There possibly was a period of still more general glaciation of the whole continent by a general flow from the north southward sweeping like a mighty wind over this & all the other plateaus. But of this action I have as yet found no monuments that I am capable of reading
71 [sketch: section across White Pine Range] The White Pine Range is pretty continuous for a distance of 90 miles or more – fossiliferous limestone clearly stratified dipping in a general [N&S] easterly direction. It is cut by wide valleys trending diagonally across the axis from the NE [northeast] thus [sketch of diagonal ranges with arrows between] Mines of extraordinary richness have been discovered in the region about Hamilton chloride & bromide of silver with native silver found mostly in pockets & chimneys in vein matter deposited in faults striking down across the stratification. These mines are now all but deserted. A few sanguine men cling to their mines, working on through barren veins in obstinate hope worthy of reward complaining that Capital has been causelessly prejudiced & frightened away because of the bad name that has been given the district. [One] district say they is still the richest silver bearing region in the state but unfortunately it has got a black eye & now it is shunned.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist