66 notwithstanding volcanic rocks exist in nearly every one of the numerous ranges that roughen the great tableland. To the West of here between the Monitor Hot Creek & Pancake ranges are some closed valleys – closed at the N, open at South. Varying from general character of the basin vals [valleys] wh [which] are open at both ends or nearly so – One of these that between the Monitor & Hot Creek is quite large – area 800 miles? The immense Monitor Table bounds on the W. the whole has drained through a deep picturesque water cut canon in the H. Crk [Hot Creek] Range – the rock lava. Only small rill now. But once a grand surging roaring river echoing through the noble [pathway] wh [which] like an unused castaway instrument is now silent.
67 [sketch: Toquima, Monitor, Hot Creek and Pancake] Closed vals [valleys] The “Gates” of Nevada are [natural] waterworn canons eroded by mighty torrents rushing through the [damming] ranges out of one lake basin into another fed by the Gls [glaciers] that loaded the mtn [mountain] heights These gates are narrow & full of abrupt water angles at bottom only a few seem by their forms & trends to have been blocked out by gls [glaciers] The [divides] stretching across from range to range are usually deeply eroded.
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist