
John Muir


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36 & rough lavas. “Are we on road to Fort Churchill?” What? ([ ] [ ]) “Are we on Churchill road” I [crossed] the [river] right dir [direction] “Where is road to Brighton?” Go right to Brighton & you cant miss the road. “That’s our [ant]” Cottonwoods along level streams are often times found planted in rows. Curving lines concentric to one another. This arrangement is caused by the floating wooly seeds being drifted ashore at high water & left by the recession of the water along the water lines The seedlings an inch high are

37 capped by the white seed shells giving them a flowery appearance—like white gilias. The sink region of Carson & Humboldt possessed by the sun. gray & frowsy with sage & greasewood white areas of sediments in hollows & & salts in extensive swamp on wh [which] the light falls glaring white. Lizards Hares & Tamias’ snakes. Few birds. Nighthawks owls bats. Sky pale azure yellow eve’ & purple. Mtns [ mountains] purple & blue ineffably delicate. 2 or 3 snow falls in winter Ice 6 inches thick at Stillwater. Churchill Co [County] has 1 inhabitant per 200 sq [square] miles. Yet has all the machinery of government Court house at Stillwater Co. seat. Business completed last.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
