
John Muir


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5 [tiny] trees, secure from pigs & civilized [man] & set off cross lots for [the] [Bullers] soon came [into] road wh led off [eastward] past the [base] of the south[most] & highest of the group – [formed] in 1950 above the river or in round [nimbus] 2000 above the sea. It is chiefly composed of old trapper [lava] with [tilled] stratified [ ] beds around bases chiefly conglomerate with polisher quartz pebbles abundant. The whole group is evidently more [remnants] of a much higher & more [under] mass. [Butte] Creek a [fine] stream [luxuriantly] [treed] & [vined] [flows] past on the S, the dist from river to base]

[54] 6 of west most 3 miles, - to S most & highest 6 miles. From Marysville [14] ms [miles] . I left my boat at 8 AM & reached it again at 3 PM The south sides of all [the] fine main summits are [dotted] with small oaks & laurels. The latter more ab [abundant][?] The north sides with dwarf oak salvia carduacea [comon] also spiraea, [mahora] [ ] & [bahia]. Gilia penstemon [Eriogonum] 3 [ ] Pellaea andromedifolia [chilanthus] [grande] & [gymnogramia] [triang]? [Summit] used as C S [station] the sunrise [are] [ ] this [morning] glorious rose purple The [Buttes] for [50] miles or so formed.

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
