comes [down] by short jerks of 1 [one] or 2 [two] into every limb [lensi] tail extends [hind] [legs] dragging back & out [fore] [extending] & slightly spreading buff under throat seen as he holds his head well out body arched up buff along belly [seen] on the edge. tail gray fringed [light] mostly dark & [chou] [chou] [chee] [air] [ ] [jerk] tail forward into an arch then straighten it with nervous energy time about [some] [ ] with the pronunciation of each word sometimes two words for each [changed] of tail. sometimes makes circles on the bark in [sketch of arrows] jerks up and down all kinds of [curves] & capers
on through the night [alone] then [get] a stranger [light] came on the cliffs here & there caught a glow of yellow changing the white gradually to rose, a [thousand] views of clouds, a new climate a new world. The [mighty] pines glowed like flames & the falling waters rejoiced as if [conscious] of the treasures being heaped in [their] fountains.
A grand reproduction of the Egypt Sphinx on the S [south] wall of the trail fork of Yo [Yosemite] of S.F. [South Fork] head turner N [north] shafts of glad warm sunlight streaming through the pines.
[sketch: top 7700 ft [feet] ab [above] sea]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10.5 x 17 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist