"August-September 1877, Cinder Cone Sketches, etc. Image 8" by John Muir


John Muir


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From Ventura the stage road follows the beach often dipping beneath the thin [foam] lace of the spent white combers the strange motion as the stage bobs along [noiselessly] in the lace work of sweeping waters & the roar of the breakers [joining] a cheering excitement The road often squeezed hard & close up against the vertical cliffs & in stormy weather is impassible. A [fine] [ ] with [lace] creeping on sand or hanging from cliffs common along the coast also yel [yellow] Abronia A fine expansion at Carpinteria where an extensive almond orchards Land valued at from one to three hundred dollars. fine live oaks (continued on next page)

No tropic warmth of [sentiment] only Yankee materialism as yet in all the yellow sun haze an interesting blending of North & S [south] Palms oranges bananas rising as sun exhalations from the common place ground The flowers and candy like seeds of the pomegranate have a fiery glow suggestion of anything but snow Some of the sunsets are perfectly volcanic in fireyness most hazy & bland [on] [eating] oranges one is one is hopelessly far from the glaciers The apple has ice in it crisp & firm & [speaks] out to our [blood]

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 10 x 15.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

