
[The] mtn [mountain] chaparrals [beggars] [ ] the most luxuriant vines of the [Padres] & the leafiest orange groves with their shaggy ungovernable exuberance (& in the midst of this [thorny] [roughness] down in the dells are little gardens with lilies & ferns & mosses soft as a kittens paws, [Frames] not made with hands [where] dwell the [bushy] tailed [rats] & bears & wild cats & deer [foxes] & wolves. Where waters run wild in unapproachable [ ] & the ouzel sings in chorus [ ] from the door of its mossy huts Omit There is a [ ] atmosphere & trace of mental ozone [attract] salt from the East from high [action] that is very delightful The coast valleys [invaded] with ocean fogs tempered & swept must necessarily be filled with a better population. [These] constantly [remind] one of the settlements of [Fruitvale] Water is scarce the valleys get [only] what is [spared] [from] [the] [mtn] [mountain] [gardens]
[banks] roots [yllw] [yellow] [sheep] The overflowings from the lilies gardens [&] [fenseries] & The mtns [mountains] will always be a [form] infinite in sight but unapproachable mysterious as the [bottom] of the sea as the depths of the sky 10 acres considered adequate in [resources] for the [maintanence] of a [family] -- trees the main dependence [coining] this [mellow] [sungold] into oranges $20,000 last seasons crop on 10 acres [Wilsons]. The bees down here are having a hard time of it no car loads of honey this year from the Southern white sage [Inns] I found [them] far up on the mtn [mountain] top of San Gabriel Overbreeding as [in] sheep [just] & [unjust] foolish & prudent are blessed alike with a climate
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 10 x 15.5 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist