
John Muir


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[determined] the forms of the mtns [mountains], & grand soil for the forests, the Mormons mark & measure the growth of trees & so also have [them] measured the growth of children. One can tell [ ] [this] elevation above sea level by the trees & flrs [flowers ]. So also by [Mormons] [thickets] & fruits. So many inches [if] [sure] so many more [babies] Warm pure [then] the [ ]. The fern as abundantly pure & natural as sqrs [squirrels] & [quails] [with] [them] brooding younglings. [Some] [camping] that it is not all natural instinct but [relying] taught by the priesthood the same some say it is a duty. I take more [ ] as a self sacrificing duty it is self denial. Such are always plainly the [bass] [ ] most fanatical blind, cloudy minded. Others seem to seek chil for the [pure] [hearty] one of them others for sensual [cares]. While [may] [advent] that this is no duty, self denial or religious obligation in the matter, as rich field favor for predilections of all kinds when a [ ] nail [planted] at [night] grows to a [harrow] [but] the

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist
