"May-July 1877, Travels in Utah, etc. Image 15" by John Muir


John Muir


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cordial defense of baby [farming] I never before heard. The patriarchal husband & Bishop is a hearty Welshman. 73 yr [years] old by the name of Evans. Who has been through all the early persecutions of the sect in New York, Ohio, [Missouri] & Illinois. Thus all the seraphim & revelation of Jo Smith in available condition for argument. Children have a good [home] here they are petted & loved & left to grow like wildflrs [5 den] A fir bough above you [Limbs] all a rest. Sounds strange & [familiar]. The wind in evergreen wood fresh earthy smell the [chill] of snow the fragrance of flowers [ ] [ ] larkspurs. The [every] [ ] [ ]calm & aglow with pure alpine purple at 5o’clock made cup [of tea ] & set out following a [long/large] ridge of fossiliferous limestone mostly corroded on the E. with a [ ] drift wh followed all its curves in & out with great [fidelity] sloping gradually from the W. [curving] [combing] over like a wave but marked with [successive] lines of stratifications & thin from the shear frontal

Date Original



Original journal dimensions: 8.5 x 14 cm.

Resource Identifier



Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library

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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist

