83 5 – Knot 6 ft ab [above] ground 6 -- “ “ “ “ 2/6 ft pair forked ten ft from base been down Sev [several] yrs still green – no tap roots water oozing around it Silver fir post sign 4 ½ ft & 3 ft. Silver “ 106 Bark well preserved “ “ 330 4 ft dia [diameter] Large S [spruce] near cabin 77-3 22-8 dia [diameter] Fallen S [spruce] on hill 53.9 20 ft at ground without bark [sketch of tree] [Set] [F] 4 ft dia [diameter] 246 old in path of fallen S [spruce] with remnants still p sound 9 to 10,000 ft above the [sea]
84 [sketch] 74 Water (Parks Atlantic) 78 Walking “ “ [sketch:] Boulder Island [40] ft dia [diameter] [ ] [Pine] [ ] [fringed] [with] willows grass tufts head Owens [river]
Date Original
Original journal dimensions: 9.5 x 16 cm.
Resource Identifier
Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library
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John Muir, journals, drawings, writings, travel, journaling, naturalist