"Yosemite National Park - Valleys - Yosemite - Granite Slabs and Column" by John Muir


John Muir


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Cath [Cathedral] rocks

N side near Ind Can [Indian Canyon] Section on S [South] side Valley

Now since we are here the stumps of granite slabs and columns which have been broken off and removed there is [ ] reason why we should not be allowed to suppose that the space between a and b [although covered] forming the bottom of the valley although covered by debris from above also is paved with stumps and if so then the valley has been eroded in many places [covers] as deep have [ bare] bottoms shaved the fragments of the layers in question.

Probably prepared as illustration for Sierra Studies series. Note on verso: "Notes Big Tuol. Can Merced Can etc."

Date Original


Circa Date

circa 1872


Original drawing dimensions: 21.5 x 31.5 cm.

Resource Identifier



This image is part of the John Muir Papers, MSS 048.

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Holt-Atherton Special Collections, University of the Pacific Library


John Muir, artwork, drawing, sketch, naturalist, history, historian, Valleys, Environmentalist, travel, conservation, national parks, Yosemite, California


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