
John Muir


Mary [Muir Hand]


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2In an hour the new year will begin and I mean to make a deparate effort to get fat enoug hto travel [illegible] it is half done. I live on the fat of the land [illegible] getting fat - crackens & claret & a bird picking of fruit etc. but this year I'm going back to the faith of my fathers. a poke of oatmeal [a baggie of parritch & bicket of brose?] & see which fat will come of that. The new Year is coming near, [illegible]you is here already come hours ago & I suppose you think more serious [tremors?] should hold our attention. Your husband science for example, but that is too solemn The manufacture of [illegible] & [illegible] might make me forget to wish you all Happy New Year, & make me remember rather the darkie porters explanation to an overland passengers question as to the origin of some curious rockwork seen from the car window- "A volcanic corruption of nature heavin things up" -The photographs of the little boys came safely & are very interesting. I wish I had [Wandas?] to send you, but she has not yet been from home. Good night, and New Year, here she comes May it bring more love & joy to you all heaven be with you.Ever affectionately your brother John Muir_Martinez, Dec 31. 1884. My dear Highland Mary;The days go [by?] & the years until all of our lives spent together is now back in the Auld lang syne, but I'm coming soon next spring I hope. I had intended making my visit this autumn after the grapes were fathered but many things prevented. It is only about two weeks since the last of the grapes went to market, & then I could not find anyone to take any charge of the place, and strange to tell I begin to fear your winters zeros Both my feet were frozen on Mt. Shasta & I am troubled with cold feet of course though in this case I would not [illegible] a little nipping, but warm than that my bones are rather bare as compared with N.P. Willis & I'm apt to cough at times you might hear me coughing now on a good telephone, everything at this new year, coughing out the old, cough- -ing in the new coughing from ear to ear & from year to year nothing serious however only a [illegible] tickle


Martinez [Calif.]

Date Original

1884 Dec 31


Original letter dimensions unknown.

Resource Identifier


File Identifier

Reel 05, Image 0176

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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see

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Page 1


John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle
