John Muir
[Charles Sprague] Sargent
5with contorta, poplar, & birch & a few piceas & spruces (P. alba, & A. subalpina), Contorta is the principal tree, slender, six to eight inches diameter (One hundred miles farther inland) The timber in some places all willow in the low grounds, much exclusively poplar with a few pines (Contorta) & birches, & a few spruces along low grounds 50 ft high _ no tree seen today over 50 feet high. Thousand acre patches burned. Some green trees burned off at the roots which are on top of the frozen ground & easily killed in dry weather. Had a good view from a high point on the trail of a mountain spur about 6000 ft high which was timbered to a height of 5000 feet." "Set out for the summit of a peak 7000 feet high back of Glenora, 140 miles from Tidewater. First there is a flat terrace about 200 feet above the Stickine & nearly a thousand feet above the sea. It is about a mile wide & stretches back to the slopes of Glenora Peak. It is covered with birch, spruce (Picea alba & Menzonii) & fir (subalpina) & poplar growing close & tall as compared with the girth
Martinez [Calif.]
Date Original
1897 Nov 16
Original letter dimensions unknown.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 09, Image 1148
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Page 5
John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle