John Muir
Louie [Strentzel Muir]

[4]rising in value with the latitude The wine is delicious I’m glad you thought to send my glasses & barometers & coat, We will procures furs as we proceed north so as to be ready in case we should be compelled to winter in the Arctic regions. It is remarkably cold even here, & dark & blue & forbidding every way though it is fine weather for health. I was just thinking this morning of our warm sunny home, of Annie in her soft blankets with her blunt nose & double chin, & of the red cherries down the hill, & the 100s of blunt-billed finches everyone of them with red bills soaked in cherry juice. Not much fruit juice beneath this sky. Ever your affectionatehusband John Muir[in margin: in circle 10][1][1881] 00999 16, May Monday, 10 A.M. 2 miles from shore.[in margin: Address Steamer Carwin Oonalaska care Alaska Com, Company San Francisco may now & then receive letters by passing Whalers.][Boo-oo-oo?], Louie How cold it is this morning, How it blows & snows. It is not “the Wolf’s long howl on Ooualaska’s shore” as Campbell has it, but the winds long how. A more sustained, prolonged screeching raving howl I never before heard, but the little Carwin rides on through it in calm strength rising & falling amid the foam-streaked waves like a loon. The Cabin boy Henry told me this morning early that land was in sight. So I got up at 6 o’clock (9 of your time) & went up into the pilot house to see it. 2 jagged black masses were visible, with hints of high
2 miles from shore [Alaska]
Date Original
[1881] May 16
Original letter dimensions: 20 x 25 cm.
Resource Identifier
File Identifier
Reel 04, Image 0544
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The unpublished works of John Muir are copyrighted by the Muir-Hanna Trust. To purchase copies of images and/or obtain permission to publish or exhibit them, see
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John Muir, correspondence, letters, author, writing, naturalist, California, correspondent, mail, message, post, exchange of letters, missive, notes, epistle