"John Muir, the Geologist of the Yosemite. Four Years Among the Glacier" by John Muir
John Muir, the Geologist of the Yosemite. Four Years Among the Glaciers of the Sierra.

John Muir, the Geologist of the Yosemite. Four Years Among the Glaciers of the Sierra.


John Muir


Kimes Entry Number


Original Date


William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

The reporter was given a brief sketch of ""the enthusiastic naturalist, John Muir, formerly of this city,"" by an artist friend who had just returned from Yosemite Valley ""where he saw the remarkable subject . . . and was in his company for several weeks."" Of Muir, the traveler said, ""He has a face which gives out the expression that his moral condition is one of happiness and enjoyment of the pursuit in which he is engaged."" The artist states that Muir ""has such confidence in the good nature and peaceable disposition -when not molested-of bears and all other animals, that he never carries a gun or any other weapon. His doctrine is to be at peace with all creatures, if possible; and he carries that to such a length that he will not even molest a rattlesnake if it happens to lay in his path. . . . Whenever a scientist visits the Yosemite Valley, Muir is always the first man he inquires for, and if he is fortunate enough to secure him for guide his trip will always prove both pleasant and instructive."" After noting Muir's travels from Wisconsin to California is the comment that Muir's ""love of nature is intense and poetic, as well as scientific in its character. He sees beauty in all the wonders of his mountain home, and is as impatient of the restraints of city life as was Thoreau. Simple and modest in his manner, he can become enthusiastic when the exciting cause has anything to do with Nature's handiwork."" When Muir was shown some photographs of the Himalayas, he said, ""I must study those Himalyan glaciers-after I have finished with the valley."" The conclusion is that if Muir's ""life is spared, he will go to India, and when he goes California will lose one of the purest minded, most sincere, modest and energetic searchers after truth, she has ever held within her borders.""


The Wisconsin State Register [Portage]


p. 1, col. 5. [Scrapbook II, p. 25.]



John Muir, the Geologist of the Yosemite. Four Years Among the Glaciers of the Sierra.
