
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

Muir emphasizes the destruction that would follow the opening of the timber region around the park to the grazing of cattle and sheep. He warns: "If the Caminetti bill, which proposes to cut down the Yosemite National Park about one-half, passes, then no doubt, the sheep owners and timber thieves will be emboldened to attack all the extended reservations that have so far been made. It will be the entering wedge to split apart and destroy all that has been accomplished in the preservation of the forest, on which the welfare of the State in general depends."


The [San Francisco] Examiner


p. 9, cols. 5-6

Muir on Caminetti's Bill. The Author and Explorer Says Its Passage Would Be Disastrous to the Yosemite. 'A Cunning Scheme of Sheepmen.' It Would Reduce the Park One-Half and Ruin the Forests-The Lesson Taught by France and Spain.



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