Letter to Helen.

Letter to Helen.


John Muir


Kimes Entry Number


Original Date


William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

After relating details of the renovation that had been completed at the old home, Muir writes: ""I am feeling pretty well but find that I take a little cold every time I venture down to the city, and I really dread the long ride to Daggett and fancy that by being very careful I may get through the winter here without grippe. Still if a block of every good weather should come I may venture to make a comparatively short visit for everything goes to rack and ruin up here whenever I am absent for a few months and as you know all my books are up here and moving them seems like a desperately hard job. I have already got the book [Travels in Alaska] in rough shape but it will not be finished before spring. It is too bad that when there are only three of us that we should necessarily live apart. There is no one in the house but myself. If I could only have you and Wanda as in the lang syne it would be lovely. But such thoughts and backward looks are all in vain in family arrangements. . . . Ever your devoted father, John Muir."" This letter, dated December 3, 1914, is thought to be one of the last written by John Muir (Letter, CU-B.)


The View from John Muir's Window [Martinez, California], no. 32


pp. 2-3

Letter to Helen.



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