[Letter to Darling Helen.]

[Letter to Darling Helen.]


John Muir


Kimes Entry Number


Original Date


William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

From "Home, Sept. 21, 1908," Muir comments to Helen on the "glowing accounts of your good health & looks, corroborating your own bright letters. . . . I had a charming time with the Kents, visited the Muir Woods & Muir Tavern & adjacent region & got home last eve. & now for work." After relating some urgent business, he concludes that there is "quite a lot of confounded business to hold me here, but always I'm yours when you need me. . . . Ever Loving, John Muir" (Letter, CU-B).


The View from John Muir's Window [Martinez, California], no. 27


p. 3

[Letter to Darling Helen.]



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