
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

Under the title "Another Plea for Hetch Hetchy," Muir is praised "as one of the great guardians of the wealth of the people," the wealth being natural beauty. The writer quotes a brief description of Hetch Hetchy Valley and gives the current status of the bill in Congress that would convert the Valley to a reservoir. Muir stresses how critical the situation has become, saying, "We are preparing data, based on the reports of the army engineers, which will demonstrate that San Francisco can obtain abundance of pure water from other sources than the Hetch Hetchy. So important a bill should not be rushed through Congress without mature consideration and time allowed for its opponents to be heard. Anything less would be unjust to the American people."


The Outlook


pp. 830-831

[Statement from John Muir.]



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