
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

This reply was addressed to the Hon. Jas. R. Garfield, Secretary of Interior, Washington, D.C. Muir makes a strong protest against Garfield's decision, and concludes: "The morel study your decision ... the greater seems the mistake you have made .... You say that Mr. Pinchot has given this matter the most careful consideration, and is in full accord with your action . ... Unfortunately, Mr. Pinchot never saw the Hetch-Hetchy Valley or the great Tuolumne Canon above it, and therefore his opinion should have very little weight against that of hundreds of mountain lovers who have long enjoyed and appreciated its wonders. "Anyhow, Mr. Secretary, though devoutly differing with you on this important matter, I am still, with sincerest respect, Faithfully yours, John Muir." A map is on page [4].




Single leaf folded to 4 pp., illus., 21.75 cm



Mr. John Muir's Reply to a Letter Received from Hon. James R. Garfield in Relation to the Destructive Hetch-Hetchy Scheme.



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