
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


Original Date


William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

This article is abridged and edited from no. 167-5. In addition, Muir includes the story of his exploration of Glacier Bay in 1879, making this the first publication of his writing of his exploration of Glacier Bay. Muir closes his essay with brief comments on his return visits in 1880 and 1890, concluding: "Fain would I describe the glories of those months in the ice-world-the beautiful and terrible network of crevasses ... the thousand streams ringing and gurgling in azure channels cut in the living body of the glacier, the glorious radiance of the sunbeams falling on crystal hill and dale, the rosy glow of the dawn and sunset . .. and the mysterious splendor of the Auroras when the nights grow long .... But this would require a volume, while here I have only the space to add-Go to Alaska, go and see."


Alaska via Northern Pacific R.R. St. Paul, [Minn.]: Northern Pacific Railroad, 1891


pp. 3-17


Single leaf, 35 x 79 cm., folded into 18 numbered pp. of text, illus., maps, and timetables.




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