
John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


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William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

The rough weather prevented the Corwin from taking on coal at Cape Lisburne, making it necessary to proceed to Plover Bay. Muir writes: ""After passing through the Strait, we had two gray, howling days, with head winds and rain, and thick fog through which the Corwin beat her way, or was held lying to, heavy and rolling .... At such times only the gulls, those light-winged rovers of the sea, appear to be patient and comfortable as they gracefully drift and glide over the wild-tossing waves .... "" Upon arriving at Plover Bay, they found the schooner Golden Fleece, which was en route to Point Barrow to establish a signal station, the men to remain for three years. Muir writes of the exciting possibilities these men have in research and exploration. He concludes: ""Nor will these men be likely to suffer greatly. The winter cold, when skillfully met in soft hair and fur, is not hard to bear, while summer is so warm the Esquimaux children run about naked.""


San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, Oct. 25, 1881


p. 1, cols. 1-2

Out Of The Arctic. The Most Northerly Coal Mine in the World. The Corwin in a Gale-Effects of the Northern Current. The Diomedes-Dangers to Navigation in Behring Strait. The Point Barrow Signal Service Expedition-What It Expects to Do. (Special Correspondence of the Bulletin.) Steamer Corwin (Plover Bay, Siberia), August 25, 1881.



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