"Alaska Forests. Evergreens-The Yellow Cedar and its Various Uses. The " by John Muir


John Muir



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Kimes Entry Number


Original Date


William and Maymie Kimes Annotation

""From the universal distribution of the woods one would be led at first sight to suppose that Alaska was an old country .... But, on the contrary, Alaska is a very young country, and its forests are mostly set on solid rock that had but just emerged from beneath the ice-sheet. The existence of forests on so bare a surface is possible only in a wet and temperate climate like this .... Give to Alaska the climate of California, and these evergreen islands and shores would be treeless, sun beaten rocks.""


San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, Oct. 30, 1879


p. 4, cols. 1-2

Alaska Forests. Evergreens-The Yellow Cedar and its Various Uses. The White Spruce-Pines and Cottonwoods-Firs and Hardwoods. Extent and Commercial Value of Alaska Forests-The 'Devil's Club.' (Special Correspondence of the Bulletin.) Fort Wrangel, October 8, 1879.



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