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[William Hibbard]
Private Victoria V I [Vancouver Island] Febuary 4th 1865
My dear brother In my last to you I inclosed [enclosed] a long private letter, but as I fear that you may not have received it I will briefly recapitulate its substance, which related cheifly [chiefly], to a difficulty with Mr Cutlar my partner. In July last I intended to have sent you two thousand dollars to apply upon my indebtedness to you & Ashley, as we had a brisk little run of business and I thought it my duty to draw out all that I possibly could for you. Mr C. was very much averse to having a settlement with me, so much so, that I was obliged to insist upon it in strong terms, and give him to understand that I was determined to have it, I was surprised at his aversion to a settlement, but did not for a moment suppose that it arose from anything but a dislike to my drawing the money out of the business. I found however, after having compelled him to settle, that he had far different reasons for demurring to it. he had drawn, & appropriated to his own use, about three thousand dollars, which I supposed had been used to pay demands against us, giving our notes, and renewing them without my knowledge. I never was so astounded in my life. The blow was so severe, and, so totally unexpected, and placed me in such a difficult situation, that I was bewildered and very much cast down for a time. I felt that I could not
not go on with him any longer, for I had good reason to believe, that a good share of this money had been gambled away, and I had no longer any confidence in him, but situated as we were at the time, it was difficult to dissolve. This was the state of affairs when I last wrote you, since then, we have dissolved and I have taken the concern, I made him an offer to give or take five thousand dollars, which was but little more than the amount that he was owing me, he [at] at once agreed to give the price if I would take five thousand down & wait one year for the balance with security on the property, this I agreed to do, but after trying in vain, he found that he could not raise the money, and consented to take my offer, so that I have been carrying on the business by myself since September. This turn “so unexpected” in my affairs has embarrassed and perplexed me very much, but the prospect now begins to look brighter, and I can now see my way clear if no new obstacle presents itself. These events dear brother, have led me to reflect more seriously than ever upon the proofs that we have that we are in the hands of the Lord, and that He hath a purpose in all these things. When I wrote you last May, I had then, as I told you, fully made up my mind to sell-out and go home this winter if possible, and if one time I thought that I had consummated a sale of my interest in the lime works, but every step that I have taken in that direction, has been thwarted. and I am
anxiously enquiring of the Lord, to know His will and humbly praying for His divine guidance, I strive to feel that entire submission to His will, which He requires. It has lately become more, and more, impressed upon my mind, that Gods will is for me to remain here, and although I cannot comprehend the purpose, yet I cannot doubt but that it is for a wise one, and in good time, will be made known to me. Your trials, and, difficulties, my dear brother affect me deeply, for God only knows how earnestly I have prayed that He might spare, and prosper you, and I cannot help feeling that I have aided in causing you embarrassments by borrowing that money from you. I am exerting myself to sell all, or a portion, of the property I have here in order to send the money to you, and I feel that all that I have is at your disposal. I have often wished that you were here with me, and if providence should so arrange it what a blessing it would be to me, to have you all with me, as I cannot go to you, But let us wait on the Lord, seeking to know, and do, His will, unreservedly trusting ourselves in His hands, feeling that all he does is supremely good. I shall write you again soon, and try to do so oftner this year, than I have during the past. And now brother, that the Almighty may abundantly bless you, &, yours in all things, and clear away the difficulties that beset you, is the earnest prayer of Your affectionate brother Augustin
Victoria [Victoria Island]
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Hibbard, Augustin, "Private Letter from Augustin Hibbard to [William Hibbard] 1865 Feb. 4" (1865). Gold Rush Life. 34.
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