A Mother's Nightmare - Incest A Practical Legal Guide for Parents and Professionals
Protecting children from child abuse using the legal system can be a complicated and sometimes devastating process for parents. Suspecting sexual abuse, a mother may seek a divorce and custody, orùif already divorcedùrequest withdrawal of visitation rights. However, when unable to prove abuse, she may be labeled "hysterical" and jeopardize her case. A MotherÆs NightmareùIncest assists professionals and parents in reducing the likelihood that the legal system will backfire. Easy to read and including step-bystep strategies for success, this manual answers myriad critical questions asked by parents who encounter the possibility of incest, such as: + What happens to a child who experiences abuse? + What do I do if the abuse cannot be established? + How do I find out what my legal options are? + What can I do to keep emotionally balanced? + What will happen in the court system? While alerting readers to the very real dangers that await those who accuse a spouse of child sexual abuse, author John E. B. Myers helps parents and professionals navigate the current court system to work toward attaining victoryùand safety. He provides supportive and practical suggestions for documenting evidence and seeking an expertÆs advice. Myers demystifies the subject of incest and explains the requirements of the court system so that mothers will enter the legal arena prepared. This book is not only for mothers. Health professionals, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, pastoral counselors, and any other professional working to protect children from abuse will want to read and refer to A MotherÆs NightmareùIncest. Likewise, the book is also ideal for academics and students to use in courses that cover child abuse issues
Publication Date
SAGE Publications, Inc
Criminal Law | Family Law | Law
Recommended Citation
John E. Myers,
A Mother's Nightmare - Incest A Practical Legal Guide for Parents and Professionals
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