Scholarly Commons - Excellence Day: Adhesion and Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Lead Author Affiliation

International Dental Studies Program

Lead Author Program & Year

IDS Year 1

Second Author Program & Year

IDS Year 1

Third Author Program & Year

IDS Year 1

Fourth Author Program & Year

IDS Year 1

Presentation Category

Literature Review


G. V. Black, the father of modern dentistry believed in extension for prevention. Today we have come a long way. We practice minimally invasive dentistry which is possible because of adhesion. We have eight generations of bonding systems. 4th generation is the gold standard, while 6th ,7th and 8th are used extensively. Direct restorations which involve minimally invasive procedure alternatives for carious lesion management, include the use of sealants, infiltration, atraumatic restorative treatment (ART), and selective carious tissue removal (e.g., indirect pulp capping, stepwise removal, or selective removal to soft dentine). Due to adhesion and the invention of higher quality of materials, indirect restorations have seen a shift from full coverage to partial coverage restorations like veneers, inlays, onlays, cantilever bridges and Inlay retained fixed dental prostheses. Evidence supports that preservation of tooth structure increases the longevity of restorations and tooth.


As dentists, we are no longer in the business of drill and fill but involved in preventive care. Various components like bioactive materials, biomimetic analogues are added to adhesive systems to improve its bond strength, which would increase its potential for reduced micro permeability and remineralization. An experimental adhesive system with second generation dendrimer G-IEMA showed promising results in vitro studies as compared to our traditional Bis- GMA adhesive systems. This has been patented and if clinical studies prove the same, we would be seeing a new generation of adhesive systems which are BPA-free.


A big thank you to the PRD Department for the opportunity to showcase our knowledge and skills. Special thanks to Dr. Moazzez, Dr. Prassanakumar, and Dr. Pansoy for their support. We appreciate everyone's time, suggestions, trust, and confidence, which has improved our work.



Included in

Dentistry Commons


May 3rd, 8:00 AM May 3rd, 5:00 PM

Adhesion and Minimally Invasive Dentistry

G. V. Black, the father of modern dentistry believed in extension for prevention. Today we have come a long way. We practice minimally invasive dentistry which is possible because of adhesion. We have eight generations of bonding systems. 4th generation is the gold standard, while 6th ,7th and 8th are used extensively. Direct restorations which involve minimally invasive procedure alternatives for carious lesion management, include the use of sealants, infiltration, atraumatic restorative treatment (ART), and selective carious tissue removal (e.g., indirect pulp capping, stepwise removal, or selective removal to soft dentine). Due to adhesion and the invention of higher quality of materials, indirect restorations have seen a shift from full coverage to partial coverage restorations like veneers, inlays, onlays, cantilever bridges and Inlay retained fixed dental prostheses. Evidence supports that preservation of tooth structure increases the longevity of restorations and tooth.


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