Scholarly Commons - Excellence Day: 5 Tips for Success at the Dugoni School of Dentistry

Lead Author Affiliation

Doctor of Dental Surgery

Lead Author Program & Year

IDS Year 2

Presentation Category



The purpose of this PIP project was to: 1) Create a detailed, evidence-based outline of the most successful study tips, advice, and organization habits to succeed as a student at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. 2) Discover new, state-of-the-art study innovations and organizational habits that are successful and applicable to dental school. 3) Create a well thought-out, engaging, and interactive presentation for future first year students that highlights purposes 1) and 2), and 4) Open the topic of discussion of exploring new trends in study and organizational skills in the 21st century.

Methods/Treatment Plan

A total of 40 hours was committed to prepare this Personalized Instruction Program (PIP) project. Publications were researched that yielded proven study strategies that were successful in the past and applied to the fast-paced program at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry1-8. The unique, accelerated student environment required careful consideration of which study strategies to employ in the video.

Many meetings occurred between my mentor, Dr. Wood, and myself to discuss my findings and which learning strategies would be best to showcase. We also discussed tried and true school-life balance strategies to be included in the outline. We finalized our outline and consulted with Dr. Sinky Zheng and Mike Interrante for video production and analysis. To ensure the first-year students received this information as early as possible, we created a target deadline to present this video to the first-year class during their Matriculation Retreat on Friday, July 12, 2019. After a brief introduction, the video in its entirety was debuted to the first-year class. The entire duration of the video was 4 minutes and 51 seconds.

After presenting this video, the students were sent a Google Forms survey via email. The email also contained a link to the Mediasite video so that students could review the video before answering the survey. The survey requested a rating on the video production, the video content, and feedback for future areas of improvement. This information was then collected for this PIP reflection.

In addition, Mediasite analytics that tracked the video’s usage by student and faculty users were collected to illustrate the impact of the learning video. The findings from both data sources can better inform faculty on the benefits of creating future learning experiences like these which are applicable to the Dugoni School of Dentistry.


Google Forms Survey: The survey was sent via email to all students in the IDS Class of 2021 (n = 26) and DDS Class of 2022 (n = 143) for a total of 169 possible responses. 43 responses were recorded for a rate of 25.44%. The video was well received by the class. A total of 95.1% of respondents either strongly agreed or agreed to the statement “I feel that the tips presented in the video will help me get prepared for my First quarter at the Dugoni School of Dentistry (Figure 1). A total 100% of all respondents either strongly agreed or agreed with the statement that “The video was engaging, concise, and professional” (n=41) (Figure 2). Student comments indicated positive feedback in the video being “straight and to the point”, had good “production value”, and “the tips were clear and easy to understand”. Some areas of suggested improvement included “similar videos mainly for IDS”, “time management”, and “tips and tricks for studying for boards”. When respondents were asked how they would improve future videos, some comments included “more pictures, animations other than talking”, changing the background and adding more effects, and adding a summary of the tips as an attached file.

Mediasite Analytics: The presentation analytics were collected from July 15, 2019 to May 18, 2020. The video was viewed a total of 110 times through Mediasite, with the highest peak on August 1, 2020, where a total of 60 views were recorded. The presentation views showed a trend that users were engaged in the video content until about 4 minutes and 30 seconds, which is approximately 93.1% of the its entirety (Figure 3). The top operating system utilized to view the video was Mac OS X, which was used by 70% of the viewers (Figure 4). This was followed by Windows 10 at 25%, iPhone at 4%, and iPad and Other for a combined 2%.


From the positive ratings and engagement, it can be concluded that this video’s application of multimedia instruction was very effective. The condensed, personalized approach could be suggested to be prime motivators in the learner’s engagement in the content. Faculty and staff should consider creation of multimedia content that is concise, interactive, and flexible in their coursework and instructional videos to promote active engagement in the student learning.


What I truly enjoyed about this project was the collaboration I experienced with my faculty mentor, Dr. Wood, the help of Dr. Sinky Zheng, and the supportive staff, most notably Mr. Mike Interrante, all whom really helped make my PIP come to fruition. I would like to thank them all for this meaningful learning opportunity.




May 26th, 8:00 AM May 26th, 5:00 PM

5 Tips for Success at the Dugoni School of Dentistry

The purpose of this PIP project was to: 1) Create a detailed, evidence-based outline of the most successful study tips, advice, and organization habits to succeed as a student at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry. 2) Discover new, state-of-the-art study innovations and organizational habits that are successful and applicable to dental school. 3) Create a well thought-out, engaging, and interactive presentation for future first year students that highlights purposes 1) and 2), and 4) Open the topic of discussion of exploring new trends in study and organizational skills in the 21st century.


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