Scholarly Commons - Excellence Day: Integrating Interprofessional Education Through Service-Learning: Continued multidisciplinary collaboration for student-led volunteer healthcare event

Integrating Interprofessional Education Through Service-Learning: Continued multidisciplinary collaboration for student-led volunteer healthcare event

Lead Author Affiliation

Doctor of Dental Surgery

Lead Author Program & Year

DDS Year 2

Presentation Category

Community Oral Health


SCOPE (Student Community Outreach for Public Education) at University of the Pacific (UOP), Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry sponsored the 26th Annual Senior Smiles Health & Wellness Fair in its clinic, located in San Francisco on April 27th, 2019. More than 120 San Francisco’s senior citizens with limited access to health care attended this event. As a continuation of last year’s Senior Smiles & Wellness which pioneered the launch of Interprofessional education (IPE) activities, SCOPE provided various health screenings to the senior attendees in partnership with Dugoni’s sister schools UOP Audiology, Pharmacy and Physical Therapy program as well as Touro College of Pharmacy.

This event was designed to be a continued effort of interdisciplinary community-outreach based learning that models UOP's Dental School Helix Curriculum. This event presented a great opportunity for various health education programs to learn from each other, promoting future collaborations among healthcare providers and benefiting a larger audience.

Methods/Treatment Plan

Pre-Event Preparation

Student supported community outreach groups collaborated to participate in a healthcare event for the elderly. Multiple healthcare professions came together for IPE activities targeted towards helping elderly populations, which are a demographic identified to benefit from IPE. Student leaders of each community outreach group selected one to two students to prepare a five minute presentation detailing geriatric considerations for their respective professions. Presentations also emphasized to the other student health providers present what the focus of the respective field is and scope of practice within the field.

Event Day

Interprofessional Seminar

All non-SCOPE student volunteers as well as a select volunteer group from SCOPE participated in the IPE activity. While last year’s activity was a lecture-style seminar, the IPE activity this year consisted of a walk-and-introduction tour of each healthcare station. Student presenters gave 5 minute presentations introducing their specific roles as health care providers to promote seniors’ physical well-being. Topics included “when to refer to an [audiologist],” “balance deficits [that increase] the risk of falls,” “[raising] awareness of hypertension and diabetes,” and “oral hygiene tips to promote oral health.” A post-event survey, focused on improving the event in further years to come, was completed and collected from all IPE activity participants.

Senior Smiles & Wellness Event

Senior Smiles attendees registered upon arrival for a total of 105 seniors. SCOPE dental student volunteers provided dental screenings and oral hygiene instruction, while a dental faculty provided diabetes screening and education. Touro College of Pharmacy students conducted readings for blood pressure and blood glucose. Audiology students completed evaluations for hearing loss, and physical therapy students provided fall risk assessments. In addition, Department of Aging & Adult Services from City of San Francisco, private nutritionist team, Blue Anthem Insurance, and non-profit senior services provided assistance and counseling. After the event, all volunteers were asked to complete a post-event survey, which was modified from last year’s to include more detailed questions, and was collected after the event.

Data Collection & Analysis

Data regarding students’ professional enhancement and understanding of IPE practices was collected utilizing pre- and post-surveys and formatted into graphs and charts.


Over 120 senior citizen attendees attended the event to receive various health screenings. (Still working on data collection and analysis.)


Predominantly positive feedback from IPE activity participants was not significantly different from last year's data. This indicates that the event’s goal to integrate healthcare fields into multidisciplinary teams as designed through the helix curriculum has been generally achieved. The continued success and development of service learning events with interdisciplinary opportunities such as Senior Smiles and Wellness is important towards facilitating collaboration among healthcare practices.



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May 22nd, 8:00 AM May 22nd, 5:00 PM

Integrating Interprofessional Education Through Service-Learning: Continued multidisciplinary collaboration for student-led volunteer healthcare event

SCOPE (Student Community Outreach for Public Education) at University of the Pacific (UOP), Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry sponsored the 26th Annual Senior Smiles Health & Wellness Fair in its clinic, located in San Francisco on April 27th, 2019. More than 120 San Francisco’s senior citizens with limited access to health care attended this event. As a continuation of last year’s Senior Smiles & Wellness which pioneered the launch of Interprofessional education (IPE) activities, SCOPE provided various health screenings to the senior attendees in partnership with Dugoni’s sister schools UOP Audiology, Pharmacy and Physical Therapy program as well as Touro College of Pharmacy.

This event was designed to be a continued effort of interdisciplinary community-outreach based learning that models UOP's Dental School Helix Curriculum. This event presented a great opportunity for various health education programs to learn from each other, promoting future collaborations among healthcare providers and benefiting a larger audience.