Scholarly Commons - Excellence Day: Case Report: Use of a Metal Lattice Frame to Strengthen a Mandibular Complete Implant-Supported Overdenture

Case Report: Use of a Metal Lattice Frame to Strengthen a Mandibular Complete Implant-Supported Overdenture

Lead Author Affiliation

Doctor of Dental Surgery

Lead Author Program & Year

DDS Year 3

Presentation Category



Mandibular full dentures can be fragile and present difficulty in achieving retention when fabricated for a patient with a thin, small ridge. Various measures can be taken to increase the strength of a denture and improve its retention.

Methods/Treatment Plan

A 66-year-old male patient presented with the need for a new maxillary complete denture and mandibular complete implant-supported overdenture. A previous complete set of new dentures had been delivered, but after several months the mandibular implant-supported overdenture broke in half at the relieved area of the right healing abutment while the patient was eating. Worked with the Removable Prosthetics faculty to design a new full denture with a metal lattice frame to provide sufficient strength.


The patient reported that the new denture was more comfortable than the previous denture, and felt very retentive when he ate and spoke. The metal lattice provided strength and support to the denture so that the patient was not worried that it would break again.


There are viable alternative treatment options to provide superior care to patients. While it is not standard to place a metal lattice frame in a complete denture, in this patient’s case, adding such a feature allowed for a prosthesis to be fabricated that would provide the patient with longer success. It is important to do adequate research and reach out to specialists in order to learn about different techniques to improve patient outcome.


Thank you to Dr. Tickner, Dr. LaBarre, Dr. Hansen, and Dr. Savage for their assistance in making this case successful.



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May 22nd, 8:00 AM May 22nd, 5:00 PM

Case Report: Use of a Metal Lattice Frame to Strengthen a Mandibular Complete Implant-Supported Overdenture

Mandibular full dentures can be fragile and present difficulty in achieving retention when fabricated for a patient with a thin, small ridge. Various measures can be taken to increase the strength of a denture and improve its retention.